- Hiking
Frequently asked Questions
Yes, non-members are welcome to join two (2) hikes (where they will have to sign a waiver of participation with the Hike Leader), and will then be encouraged to become a full member and join us in our conservation, community engagement, social initiatives, and public engagement efforts.
Yes, non-members are welcome to join two (2) hikes (where they will have to sign a waiver of participation with the Hike Leader), and will then be encouraged to become a full member and join us in our conservation, community engagement, social initiatives, and public engagement efforts.
- For everyone’s enjoyment, ORTA group hikes require a certain degree of physical fitness.
- Please refer to ORTAs hike speeds to help you select the hikes which are most suitable to your ability.
- ORTAs Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk states that ‘I affirm that I am aware of the nature of the activity, its distance, duration, and degree of difficulty and that I am properly equipped and physically able to participate. I have no medical or other condition which might preclude my participation.’
- If in doubt about your ability, please connect with the Hike Leader. The details in the hike listings will include the contact information for the Hike Leader.
- Hike Leaders have the authority to deny participation for hikers in obvious poor health or who are ill equipped for the conditions.
- Slow: 3 km/hr
- Slow-Moderate: 3.5 km/hr
- Moderate: 4 km/hr
- Moderate-Fast: 4.5 km/hr
- Fast: 5 km/hr or faster
- Review the details for each hike, each hike leader may have specific requests.
- Be prepared to hike the published distance, terrain, and pace.
- Hikers should arrive at least 15 minutes before the advertised hike time. Be aware that parking areas are public places; refrain from keeping valuables in your car.
- What to wear and carry for your hike:
- Dress appropriately for the weather. Dress in moisture-wicking layers. Waterproof boots, jacket and pants recommended.
- Wear sturdy/comfortable hiking boots appropriate to changing precipitation and temperature.
- 1-2 litres of water. Water is essential for all hikes.
- Emergency whistle and first aid essentials.
- Some trail conditions may be icy. "Icers" or similar footwear attachments may be mandatory for safety.
- Hiking poles.
- Snacks and lunch if noted in the hike description.
- Wear a hat/toque.
- Sunscreen, sunglasses and mosquito/bug repellant.
- Unless specified in the hike details, please contact hike leaders prior to the hikes to see if well-mannered dogs under leash are welcome. With your support, we'll try our best to make the hikes memorable experiences for all.
- Hike Leader Training Statement
- ORTA encourages members to become hike leaders in order to have a good selection of different hikes and involvement in our organization. In order to lead hikes, all hike leaders must take the hike leader training authorized by Hike Ontario or other accredited Canadian organization, e.g., Bruce Trail Conservancy, Outdoor Council of Canada. If they are not a qualified medical professional, e.g., MD, RN, ORTA requires that they attend a recognized first aid training course within the first two months that they begin to lead hikes, if they have not already completed one.
- ORTA will reimburse leaders for both courses after they have scheduled six hikes within the 12 months period after completing their leader training. ORTA will also reimburse active leaders 50% of recertification first aid courses, if they are required. For active leaders, ORTA will also cover the cost ($5) of the five (5) year Hike Ontario leader certification renewal.
- ORTA hike leaders must have access to a phone while leading hikes and must carry a basic first aid kit.
- Please contact our Hike Coordinator for additional information at hikes@oakridgestrail.org
- Hike only along marked routes
- Respect residents’ privacy
- Do not climb fences - use the stiles provided
- Walk around the edge of fields, do not cross them
- Control your dog on a leash
- Do not disturb wildlife
- Practice Leave No Trace Principles and leave flowers and plants for others to enjoy
- Carry out all garbage
- Light no fires
- Take only photographs and leave only your thanks
- One blast means Stop or Where?
- Two blasts in reply means I’m here or Come Here
- Three blasts mean emergency Help Me Now!
Please report trail maintenance such as blazing, trees down, brush/grass clearance to trails@oakridgestrail.org
Parking at some hike locations may require payment. This is not set by ORTA.