ORTA Rendezvous ’24

Sunday, September 15, 2024 – mark that date on your calendar. This is your annual opportunity to meet fellow hikers and swap stories of the trail, and perhaps get some ideas for future adventures. Join us in the Uxbridge area on a hike of your choice followed by a potluck lunch at the

Goodwood Community Centre
268 Hwy 47, Goodwood

Not up to a hike this time? You can still join the party and meet old friends.

As you enter, please donate a “toonie” ($2) towards the hall rental.

HIKES There will be three or four guided hikes to choose from-slow/moderate, moderate, or mod/fast. No group will be too large as a second leader will be on hand to ensure smaller group size.

Check HERE for the HIKES offered (times, locations and leaders)

Most should start about 930am and end by 1130. then you can head for the Goodwood Community Centre and enjoy a delicious potluck lunch and social time with fellow hikers.

REGISTER EVEN IF YOU ARE ONLY ATTENDING THE POTLUCK AND NOT THE HIKES. Just so we know how many to expect, please register here for POTLUCK ONLY. You may want to take a short stroll on the Kettle Pond Trail, a short, level 1km loop trail that starts at the right corner of the community centre and continues through a scenic area behind the hall.

ORTA Potluck events always provide an interesting variety of favourite food options- yes, veggie too- and special desserts. When you bring your favourite main or side or dessert dish, be sure you include your name on the container so you get it back. A card with main ingredients would also be appreciated by those with a food allergy. We will not be able to preheat food in ovens, but a crock pot can be plugged in to heat your dish or cold cuts and salads also work well. Enjoy!

If you are joining the party but not the hikes, perhaps you would like to help arrange tables and chairs at 11am before the hikers arrive. Scott Heaslip, co-chair of the Whitchurch/Stouffville chapter, has volunteered to open the hall and help get the coffee started. When you register for Potluck only you can select arrival of 11 am to help set up.

Our thanks to hike leaders for volunteering to lead the Rendezvous hikes, and to other ORTA members who will assist with hall set up.

Lug a Mug and bring a toonie. Be sure to invite your ORTA friends and we’ll see you at the Rendezvous.


Sep 15 2024


All Day


Goodwood Community Centre
268 Hwy 47, Goodwood