Holiday Party and Hikes – December 2024
ORTA Holiday Party and Hikes
Monday, December 2, 2024 – mark that date on your calendar! Join us for our holiday party and hikes!
Join us in the Uxbridge area on a hike of your choice, followed by a potluck lunch at the Goodwood Community Centre, 268 Highway 47, Goodwood.
Not able to hike that morning? You are still welcome to share good cheer during the holiday and the potluck lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
We will provide the coffee and tea, and you bring your favourite dish, just enough for you and a few friends – snacks, main dish, desserts – to let the holiday feast begin. We’ll also provide some visual treats – pix of past hikes, friends on the trail and images to bring back memories of all you like about hiking with ORTA.
Remember to lug a mug for drinks and bring camping plates and cutlery to lessen our environmental footprint. A volunteer TOONIE contribution will help cover the hall rental.
HIKES – There will be two guided hikes: slow-moderate or moderate-fast.
Hike #1 Brian & Wilma’s 21st Wedding Anniversary Hike (please pre-register in WildApricot)
Important – Meet at Goodwood Community Centre 9 a.m. – 268 Durham Regional Hwy 47, Goodwood
If this is your first time participating in our wedding anniversary hike, welcome and please read the directions carefully as there is limited roadside parking at the hike location, North Walker Woods, on the 6th concession.
We hope you will first come to the Goodwood Community Centre at 9 a.m. on Hwy 47/Bloomington Rd. and carpool to the hike trailhead for the 9:30 a.m. start.
HIKE 9:30 am: The hike will be on sandy forest trails. If we get early snow, icers may be recommended. We will hike to the wedding location, share some treats, and walk a few more trails before returning to the Goodwood Community Centre for the annual ORTA Christmas Party and Potluck Lunch.
Hike #2 Uxbridge – Brock Tract with Russ Burton at 9 a.m. Members can view the details and pre-register through their WildApricot login.