
All donations are tax deductible. Receipts for gifts over $10.  Give generously and thank you for your support. Charitable # 892978164 RR 0001. 

Other Ways to Give:
  • Donations of Moraine Properties and Conservation Easements Do you own property on the Moraine near the Oak Ridges Moraine Trail? There are many ways Moraine landowners can contribute to securing the Trail for future generations to enjoy. To discuss Moraine properties or conservation easements, please contact the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust 905-853-3171 or e-mail LandTrust

  • Corporate Donations & Sponsorships Businesses and corporations have been generous supporters of the Oak Ridges Trail Association. We have been the benefactors of helpful gifts-in-kind and essential infusions of donated funds. We look forward to extending mutually beneficial relationships with our corporate partners. 

For more information about all of these opportunities for contributing to ORTA’s Experience the Moraine Campaign, please contact the president of the Oak Ridges Trail Association at 905-833-6600 or or e-mail