- About ORTA
Route Changes
IMPORTANT NOTICES and MAP UPDATES: ORTA endeavours to notify its members and the public of updates or corrections to edition 7 guidebook (May/21). Please check this site regularly.
(November 2024)
York /Durham Townline to Concession 2.
This 2 km section of trail is a challenging route due to tree roots, irregular trail surface and seasonally wet conditions with occasional trail flooding. Boardwalks and bridges have been installed where practical. The route is a scenic wilderness trail passing through cedar lined areas and occasional marshlands.
Roadside parking for a small number of cars is best on Concession 2.
(October 30, 2024)
The Yeo Side Trail, Map 8 Clarington East, is closed due to vandalism of signage and blazing markers. This might become permanent if no reasonable solution is found.
(October 23, 2024)
As part of ongoing forest management activities at Durham Regional Forest, a section of the Main Tract will be closed to the public between Wednesday, October 23 and Saturday, November 30, 2024. The Main Tract is located between Concession 7 and Lakeridge Road, south of Goodwood Road, in Uxbridge Township.
The affected areas will include the following:
- Access to the Durham Regional Forest Main Tract via the West Gate at 2900 Concession Road 7 will be closed daily between 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday. All other access points remain open.
- “Itchy” (entire recreational trail) closed for the duration of the operation.
- “Scratchy” (entire recreational trail) closed for the duration of the operation
In addition to the closures above, certain sections of the “Red Oak” recreational trail may be used as an active forestry haul route or landing area. Recreational trail users should expect to encounter machinery and industrial traffic at all times of the day. Please use extra caution and obey all signage.
Forest management has been occurring in the Main Tract since these forests were established in the 1920’s, with the long-term goal of restoring natural forest conditions. This operation is the next step in the ongoing evolution of the property from abandoned blow sands to healthy forest cover. All revenues generated by the harvest are reinvested back into the ongoing management and development of the forest and trails at Durham Regional Forest. For additional details about forest management, please visit https://lsrca.on.ca/index.php/home/tree-harvesting-at-durham-regional-forest/
During the harvesting period, select trails will be closed with temporary fencing and informational signage. Members of the public are required to stay out of the affected areas for their own safety and the safety of the forest operators and LSRCA staff. The closures will be monitored by LSRCA staff throughout the harvesting period.
Trails will be reopened once the harvest period is complete. To ensure safety, it is expected that all affected trails will remain closed throughout the entire period between Wednesday, October 23 and Saturday, November 30, 2024.
A map of the affected area is attached for your information.
(Sept 19, 2024)
Due to the temporary closure of these trails (see below), here is the recommended alternate route:
Travelling east from Jane St go south on Jane to the entrance into MaryLake. Follow the main trail east until you reach the Pine Farms side trail. Go north on the Pine Farms side trail to the 16th. Go east on the 16th to Dufferin where you again join the main trail. Reverse this for hikers going west. The 16th is hilly, but the speed limit is 40km/hr.
(Sept 2, 2024)
Temporary Trail Closures - Mary Lake and Seneca (King campus)- the main ORTA trails through both concessions will be closed until further notice due to construction. The Mary Lake trail may reopen in the fall, but the Seneca trail is expected to be closed until the New Year.
(Sept 19, 2024)
Due to the temporary closure of these trails (see below), here is the recommended alternate route:
Travelling east from Jane St go south on Jane to the entrance into MaryLake. Follow the main trail east until you reach the Pine Farms side trail. Go north on the Pine Farms side trail to the 16th. Go east on the 16th to Dufferin where you again join the main trail. Reverse this for hikers going west. The 16th is hilly, but the speed limit is 40km/hr.
(Sept 2, 2024)
Temporary Trail Closures - Mary Lake and Seneca (King campus)- the main ORTA trails through both concessions will be closed until further notice due to construction. The Mary Lake trail may reopen in the fall, but the Seneca trail is expected to be closed until the New Year.
Seneca is installing Armor stone and removing sections of the board walk that will be replaced. This section of the trail (L4-1 and L4-2) is temporarily closed. SEE MAP
As of August 15th, mowing taking place at the York Regional Forest - all forest tracts. This work will take four weeks to complete. For the safety of the public and workers, please keep clear of the operation.
If you have any questions regarding this operation please contact me at Pamela.martin@york.ca 905-830-4444 x75243.
Area is now permanently rerouted. This is to allow for natural regeneration. Route is now apx 1.3km. See map here. See closer detail map here
(a) Ganaraska Forest requires all users to have an individual Forest Pass, even if following the Oak Ridges Moraine Trail. Information & online passes available at: ganaraskaforestcentre.ca Be aware that there is an ongoing process of trail changes and signage / blazing markings. This might have an effect on navigating ORMT route. So, heads up and patience. Please report any issues to ORTA.
East from Palgrave on the Caledon Trailway, we now continue on the Trailway east of Mount Pleasant Rd to Mount Wolfe Rd. It is 2km between the two distant markers. This update takes us more off-road. See map reroute HERE.
The Trail Hub 722 Chalk Lake Rd. Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R4 There is a pay-per-use fee. Currently $6 per person per day. Please visit: https://www.trailhub.ca/index.php/about/pay-per-use-2022.
Uxbridge Trailhead Parking Revenues to Sustain Trails and Local Amenities. Permit parking is being implemented at all trailheads in the Durham Region Forest area and trail-head along Conc. 6 and 7. Daily parking permits will cost $6.00 per day. All funds collected from parking revenue will be directed towards trail improvements. Frequent users of trail-heads will be able to purchase yearly parking passes for $75, and Township of Uxbridge residents will be able to obtain a permit at no charge by registering on the parking system. Learn more click here
Free Parking in Uxbridge is still available at the following locations:
1- conc. 2.- roadside, future parking lot at the Rouge Park Coyote Trail south of Webb Rd)
2- conc.3-roadside/Goodwood Tract TRCA, parking lot/Secord Forest
3- conc.4- roadside
4- Brock Rd- parking lot/Pleasure Valley/Pathways, parking lot/Brock Tract TRCA.
Northumberland Forest Map shows R roadside parking at Bowmanton Road west of Beagle Club Rd. This is no longer allowed. Vehicles may be tagged and towed Referencing By Law 21-10.
Correction to a Trail Distance Point between Dufferin and Bathurst St. is 2km not 3.8km
Correction to Map 3B Hwy 404 was inadvertently marked as Hwy 400 :
Main Route runs along 18th Sideroad between Concession 10 and 11 and not through landowners property. May 2021 after edition 7 print.
Map 10 Hamilton and Map 11 Northumberland Forest in the new edition 7 guidebook HAD incorrect Trail Distance Points (TDP). If you purchased the guidebook from a retailer and require the corrected map please notify the office by email and a new Map 10 and 11 will be mailed to you at no additional cost. (info@oakridgestrail.org) . The correct maps have 2021 in the bottom corner.